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Sports Injuries

  • Comprehensive Diagnosis: Expert evaluation and imaging techniques to accurately diagnose sports injuries, including sprains, strains, fractures, and tendon injuries.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailored rehabilitation programs integrating physiotherapy, chiropractic care, and sports massage to expedite recovery and prevent recurrence.

  • Advanced Techniques: Utilization of cutting-edge modalities such as ultrasound therapy, electrotherapy, and proprioceptive training to optimize healing and enhance athletic performance.

Knee/ Shoulder Arthroscopy

  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Cutting-edge arthroscopic techniques for precise diagnosis and treatment of knee and shoulder injuries, minimizing surgical trauma and reducing recovery time.

  • Expert Surgical Care: Skilled orthopedic surgeons specializing in arthroscopic procedures, ensuring optimal outcomes for conditions like torn ligaments, cartilage damage, and rotator cuff tears.

  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Customized post-operative rehabilitation plans, including physical therapy and guided exercises, to restore mobility, strength, and function for patients undergoing knee or shoulder arthroscopy.

ACL Injury

  • Specialized Diagnosis: Expert evaluation and imaging techniques to accurately diagnose anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, determining the severity and extent of damage.

  • Advanced Treatment Options: Comprehensive management plans incorporating both surgical and non-surgical interventions tailored to the individual needs and lifestyle of the patient.

  • Focused Rehabilitation: Targeted rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring knee stability, strength, and function post-injury, utilizing progressive exercises and modalities to facilitate a safe return to sports and daily activities.

PCL Injury

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Utilization of advanced diagnostic tools and expertise to precisely assess posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries, determining the appropriate course of treatment.

  • Customized Treatment Plans: Tailored treatment strategies, ranging from conservative measures to surgical intervention, to address PCL injuries based on their severity and impact on daily function.

  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Individualized rehabilitation programs focusing on strengthening the knee, improving range of motion, and restoring stability post-PCL injury, facilitating a gradual return to activities and sports with minimized risk of re-injury.


Meniscus Tear

  • Specialized Diagnosis: Expert evaluation and imaging techniques to accurately diagnose meniscus tears, distinguishing between types and assessing their severity.

  • Tailored Treatment Plans: Personalized treatment strategies, including both conservative measures and surgical options, designed to address the specific location and extent of the meniscus tear.

  • Focused Rehabilitation: Customized rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring knee function, improving strength, and promoting healing post-meniscus tear, facilitating a safe return to activities and sports while minimizing the risk of further injury.

Rotator Cuff Tear

  • Precise Diagnosis: Utilization of advanced imaging and clinical expertise to accurately diagnose rotator cuff tears, determining the extent and location of the injury.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Tailored treatment approaches, including conservative therapies and surgical intervention, customized to the patient’s needs and lifestyle.

  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Personalized rehabilitation programs focusing on strengthening the shoulder, improving range of motion, and enhancing function post-rotator cuff tear, ensuring a successful recovery and optimal return to daily activities and sports.


Frozen Shoulder

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Expert assessment and diagnostic imaging to identify frozen shoulder, ruling out other shoulder conditions and determining the stage of adhesive capsulitis.

  • Multidisciplinary Treatment: Comprehensive management plans incorporating physiotherapy, steroid injections, and therapeutic exercises to alleviate pain and improve range of motion.

  • Individualized Care: Tailored rehabilitation programs focusing on restoring shoulder mobility and function, addressing the unique needs and goals of each patient with frozen shoulder.

Shoulder Dislocation

  • Prompt Reduction: Immediate and expert reduction of shoulder dislocations in a clinical setting, minimizing pain and preventing further damage.

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Thorough assessment of associated injuries and complications following dislocation, ensuring appropriate management and prevention of recurrence.

  • Customized Rehabilitation: Individualized rehabilitation plans focusing on strengthening the shoulder, restoring stability, and preventing future dislocations through targeted exercises and therapy.

Spine Endoscopy

  • Minimally Invasive Procedure: Utilization of advanced endoscopic techniques to diagnose and treat spinal conditions with smaller incisions, reduced tissue damage, and faster recovery.

  • Precision and Accuracy: Expert navigation of endoscopic tools for precise visualization and targeted treatment of spinal pathologies, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients.

  • Comprehensive Care: Multidisciplinary approach integrating spine specialists, neurosurgeons, and rehabilitation therapists to provide personalized treatment plans and comprehensive post-operative care.

Awake Spine Surgery

  • Enhanced Safety: Performing spine surgeries with patients awake under monitored anesthesia, reducing risks associated with general anesthesia and allowing real-time neurological assessment.

  • Improved Accuracy: Precise intraoperative feedback from awake patients aids in ensuring optimal spinal alignment and nerve function during surgery.

  • Faster Recovery: Awake spine surgery minimizes post-operative complications, accelerates recovery, and facilitates earlier mobilization, leading to shorter hospital stays and quicker return to daily activities.

Knee Resurfacing

  • Customized Approach: Utilizing advanced techniques to resurface damaged knee cartilage with precision, restoring joint function and reducing pain.

  • Minimally Invasive Procedure: Performing knee resurfacing through small incisions, resulting in less tissue trauma and quicker recovery compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.

  • Enhanced Mobility: Improved knee function and durability post-resurfacing, allowing patients to return to an active lifestyle with reduced pain and increased mobility.

Knee Preservation

  • Early Intervention: Identifying and addressing factors contributing to knee degeneration to prevent further damage and preserve joint function.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailoring interventions such as physiotherapy, bracing, and injections to stabilize the knee and alleviate pain, promoting long-term joint health.

  • Active Lifestyle Promotion: Empowering patients with strategies to maintain knee health through exercise, weight management, and injury prevention techniques, facilitating continued mobility and quality of life.

Hip Replacement

  • Advanced Surgical Techniques: Utilization of state-of-the-art procedures for hip replacement, ensuring precise implant placement and optimal outcomes.

  • Personalized Care: Tailored treatment plans addressing individual needs and preferences, including minimally invasive approaches for faster recovery and reduced post-operative discomfort.

  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Guided rehabilitation programs to restore hip function, mobility, and strength post-surgery, facilitating a smooth transition back to daily activities and improved quality of life.

Shoulder Replacement

  • Expert Surgical Intervention: Skilled orthopedic surgeons proficient in various shoulder replacement techniques, including total and partial replacements, ensuring optimal joint function restoration.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Customized approaches tailored to each patient’s unique condition and lifestyle, maximizing post-operative outcomes and patient satisfaction.

  • Comprehensive Postoperative Care: Guided rehabilitation programs focusing on shoulder mobility, strength, and stability, facilitating a smooth recovery process and improved functional outcomes.

Fracture & Trauma

  • Expert Diagnosis: Accurate assessment and imaging techniques to identify fractures and traumatic injuries promptly, determining the appropriate treatment approach.

  • Specialized Treatment: Comprehensive management plans tailored to the specific type and severity of the fracture or trauma, including surgical intervention, casting, or bracing.

  • Integrated Rehabilitation: Multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs focusing on restoring mobility, strength, and function post-injury, promoting optimal recovery and preventing long-term complications.